Wednesday 13 May 2020

The Golden Sand

The Golden Sand
Far in the opulent desert land
Sparkle golden sand
Dry and flaccid from distance,
It embraces treasure of heartland.
Yes! Lies the golden sand
Far in the desert land.

Feet traversed the land
Without discerning sand,
With a benevolent gaze at the lines of my palm
Did I embrace the golden sand?

The almighty paves a path
A path to ardour the land,
Yes, the golden sand armoured the soul
With peace profound.
Sparkling in the palms,
It adored like heap of diamond, so intense.
Glittering vibrant colors
Radiating imperial strength.

The soul treasured
The touch mesmerized
Feeling essence of an adorable feather,
The heart fragrant like a flower bed
Gleaming in all weather.

The body danced in the ballerina of dreams,
Lo and behold! Dreams which can shatter,
Close to the reality of life
Perching for the sacred space,
Resilience mind.

Counted lines in the palm
Unlike countless granules,
When the palm unfurled
Every granule lifted, fisted
Slipped shaping fond reminiscence.

The breezy winds with the dint of stormy journey
Enveloped the sand
Like cloud obscuring sun.
This was destined.

It was golden sand
Far in the desert land.
An alcove for ardent endearment…

Shaheen Hasan

Jaisalmer, December 2019

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