Sunday 2 October 2016

For an Earnest Soul

For an Earnest Soul

He wandered as a solitude cloud,
Rising high in the sky
Protecting the twinkling stars passing by
Fluttering wings to fly
Achieving the dreams of touching the sky.

For this earnest soul
 Bliss was in other's smile,
Love was in sharing and caring till eternity,
Serenity was loving the nature's beauty,
Knowledge was the ultimate ambition,
Prosperity was to bestow upon,
Leading was building an empire of trust and faith,
And Wisdom was life.

His earnest soul was always on an eternal path,
His heart was a seamless flow of emotional river bed,
His thoughts were in quest,
To finally slumber in nest.

For thou earnest soul to search love,
Thou never had to seek for it…..

Shaheen Hasan

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